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Satellite map view of methane and CO2 plumes


Theory of change

Our priorities

We're focused on four key priorities: Filling data gaps, advancing scientific understanding, driving mitigation through collaboration, and advancing education and insights on emissions data.

Aerial view of coal mining facility

How Carbon Mapper fits into the landscape

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Sectors of focus

Our efforts focus on industrial sectors where frequent high emission methane and CO2 point sources are found including oil and gas, coal, electricity generation, waste, and large livestock operations.

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Science and technology

Our science and research team is at the forefront of using remote sensing to detect, pinpoint and quantify methane and CO2 emissions.  Leveraging deep technical expertise and a long history of research, we work to enable science-based action through transparent and credible methods published in peer-reviewed literature.

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Our impacts range from advancing data accessibility and groundbreaking science to driving mitigation actions that reduce harmful methane and CO2 emissions.

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